Student Services

Opening door to a world of possibilities for students, allowing them to embrace a holistic learning adventure that seamlessly merges the online classroom with real-life explorations!


Students Club

NIST opens up a world of possibilities for students to delve into their diverse passions and talents. Through club participation at every level, students can hone and cultivate skills that might not find time in the regular curriculum. This platform also fosters leadership growth and offers a refreshing break from academics, as clubs operate without grading.

Our student clubs:

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Arts and Music Club

At NIST’s Arts and Music Club, children can immerse themselves in the world of creative expression. This endeavor can stem from their innate imagination or be nurtured through mentorship programs. Moreover, it’s a platform to dabble in what has piqued their curiosity or embark on entirely novel ventures. Each club component presents a plethora of programs and creative classes, including 6-week sessions, drop-ins, and options during school breaks. Every club segment is designed to foster interaction, conversation, and captivating content, ensuring that every child feels acknowledged, listened to, and connected each time.

Why Opt for Arts & Music?

Our Arts & Music Clubs are the answer to parents seeking engaging avenues to keep their kids active and inspired. These activities stand out because they don’t involve passive screen time. Instead, kids are on their feet, creating, laughing, and interacting with peers and accomplished teaching artists. These clubs present a diverse range of creative arts programs that might not be accessible within the school curriculum. We encourage children to dive into multiple club components and freely explore the arts.

The Arts & Music Clubs Offer:


Student Counselling Club

The Student Counselling Club delivers sustainable mental health support services to our students, aiming to foster their emotional well-being. Our focus is on delivering student counselling that aids in elevating personal development and achieving self-fulfilment. We empower individuals to improve their ability to manage emotional challenges and cultivate effective emotional regulation techniques.

Our efforts are dedicated to promoting academic and social triumphs by offering invaluable emotional guidance. We also assist students in devising strategies for a more promising future and successful career path.


Community Services Club

A 40-hour Community Engagement Program [students can initiate this community program at any point within the academic year (Grade 9-12)]

As a component essential for acquiring the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) certificate, high school students are tasked with fulfilling 40 hours of community service. The Community Services club collaborates with diverse entrepreneurs to guide students in fulfilling the OSSD’s community service criteria.

Upon entering Grade 9, students are tasked with fulfilling 40 hours of voluntary service as a Ministry requisite for their high school diploma. The objective is to motivate students to actively engage in constructive contributions to their community. Students are advised to choose from a diverse range of community involvement activities in consultation with their parents. Consideration should be given to the student’s age, maturity, capability, the setting and context of the proposed activity, as well as any necessary training, equipment, and preparation. The utmost priority is the safety of the student.

Completion of the community involvement tasks is anticipated during Grades 9 – 12. These activities take place outside classroom hours and may not encompass paid employment. Students can commence accruing their hours during the summer before entering Grade 9. It’s encouraged to complete the 40-hour requirement as early as possible in high school, ideally concluding by the end of Grade 10. Ministry guidelines stipulate eligible and ineligible activities for this purpose, and students and parents must adhere to these guidelines.

Student Community Involvement acknowledges non-academic student engagement and accomplishments. It serves as a documentation of student participation in School-approved and affiliated activities and experiences, spanning out-of-classroom, social, athletic, leadership, service, professional, and educational domains.

Student engagement activities and experiences fall under the following wide-ranging categories:

Campus Activities and Organizations (e.g., sports, religious societies)

Student Leadership (e.g., student council roles, official leadership positions in student clubs)

Participation in these activities yields intentional and significant learning outcomes and competencies. Student learning domains and outcomes/competencies encompass:

Any additional outcomes and competencies determined by Student Support Services, such as Creativity and Innovation.

Dispensation of the Planned Community Involvement Activities Notification

An official form, the Student Notification of Planned Community Involvement Activities, can be issued upon request. The school’s stamp will be affixed to the form and endorsed by the Principal.

A student-accessible version of the form is electronically accessible for viewing and informational purposes only.

The School will supply a community hours form to be completed and endorsed by the manager of the establishment where the student has volunteered. This form is then submitted to the School for documentation. Community hours are reported on report cards before high school graduation and are also uploaded onto the Learning Management System (LMS) for student records.


Internship Club

Our student internship and cooperative education initiatives are meticulously crafted to provide practical work exposure to our senior students. This program contributes to cooperative education credits within our high school curriculum. By immersing senior students in professional environments, we equip them with authentic hands-on encounters in a real-world work setting. During this program, students engage in 220 hours of active participation across two scheduled periods, earning 2 credits. These cooperative education credits are seamlessly integrated with the students’ ongoing courses, fostering a seamless transition between classroom learning and practical application in the workplace. It’s important to note that students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to the job site.

The assessment process entails input from both the cooperative education teacher and the placement supervisor, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation. Students who are interested in participating can direct their inquiries to the high school course coordinator and vice-principal for further information.


Online Tutoring Services Club

NIST goes beyond delivering a high-quality teaching and learning environment. We extend our commitment by offering tutoring services to those who require extra care or find themselves progressing at a slower pace. This invaluable support is facilitated by our in-house student support coordinator and covers a range of subjects such as (i) computer programming, (ii) English, (iii) French, (iv) Mathematics, and (v) Science across all grade levels. NIST takes pride in providing this supplementary assistance to students in need. For more details and to enroll in this program, please click here.

How Does the Program Operate?

Students enjoy access to online tutoring through a secure learning platform. Whenever a student needs aid, they can simply type their question into the chat box or engage the tutoring assistant services by clicking here. Furthermore, students can enhance their queries by uploading files or images of their assignments in the chat box. For more comprehensive assistance, students can also schedule in-depth meetings. The focus of student learning lies in guided questioning, fostering understanding rather than spoon-feeding answers. Please note that this service is unavailable during scheduled tests or examinations.

Can a Student Become a Tutor?

Absolutely! Students who exhibit exceptional grades and demonstrate rapid learning skills will be given the opportunity to become online tutors at NIST. The student success center staff will reach out to potential candidates for tutoring roles.


Virtual Games Club

The core aim of this facility is to equip students with critical thinking skills. Simultaneously, it aims to ignite enthusiasm for computer coding and gaming. Through virtual gaming experiences, students are introduced to the upcoming strides in gaming technologies, bridging the gap between modern and traditional gaming joys. This club is meticulously designed to elevate students’ memory, accelerate their cognitive processing, and enhance concentration. It cultivates proficiencies that lay a foundation for future careers, fostering multitasking capabilities in a delightful and playful manner.